Transportation sector to step up construction of key projects
本文摘要:The transportation sector is endeavoring to resume construction of some key projects while strengthening prevention
The transportation sector is endeavoring to resume construction of some key projects while strengthening prevention and control measures against the novel coronavirus pneumonia to complete the fixed-asset investment plan of 2020.

Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport, said at a news conference organized by the State Council on Friday the work resumption in transportation sector is in better situation though some projects did get affected by the epidemic.

"Until Thursday, 77.8 percent of railway projects have resumed work. Also, 68.2 percent of projects with their total investment above one billion yuan in highway and water transportation construction resumed work," he said.

"Construction of transportation projects is key to the economic growth, thus, we will step up the work resumption in good order," he said. "On Tuesday, the ministry released a notice to guide local governments and companies on resuming work."

According to him, areas in low risks of novel coronavirus are encouraged to resume their work and those in medium risk can resume work in good order. However, areas with high risks should continue to focusing on epidemic prevention and control.

He said the ministry will start new construction projects and streamline review and approval of projects. "We will approve projects, also public biddings, through online platforms," he said.

The ministry will perform more strict safety supervision over the projects, requiring construction units to judge safety risks and take measures to prevent novel coronavirus during construction.
